Mrs N Crouch
Head of Sixth Form
Mrs Crouch is responsible for the development of every student's growth as a 6th Former. This runs from the day-to-day management of their personal welfare, behaviour and attendance, through to students' academic progress and supporting them in maintaining high standards and focusing on their individual successes. In addition, she is responsible for the Core Learning programme delivered to both years 12 and 13 and ensuring that PSHE is delivered in form time. Actively promoting the wider curricular opportunities, she manages the Sixth Form Leadership Team and Year 12 Subject Ambassadors, whether that be the yearly Prom or improving the fabric of the Sixth Form as a whole and supporting subjects with the recruitment and retention of our younger students through proactively promoting their subjects and supporting in lessons.
Mr M Sandmann
Manager of the Dover Athletic Football Academy
Mr Sandmann is responsible for the management and coaching of the Dover Athletic Football Academy. His role is to lead the overall training and footballing philosophy that supports the development of our football academy players both on the pitch, in the classroom and around the wider school. He oversees the football academy students as their form tutor and focuses on the progress of their academic achievements as thoroughly as their development as football players.
Mrs J Chittenden
Sixth Form Administrator
Mrs Chittenden is responsible for Sixth Form Admissions, Attendance, Bursary Applications and the administration of the Sixth Form office, liaising with the wider community of the school to ensure consistency and effective working practices in all these areas. She also supports the Head of Sixth Form with organising student timetables and is part of the Sixth Form pastoral team helping to support and resolve any day-to-day issues.
Mrs S Priestley
Work Experience Coordinator
Mrs. Priestley supports students in obtaining work experience placements which helps our students to stand out when applying for jobs, apprenticeships and university places. In addition to this, Mrs. Priestley is developing our business mentor links to allow us to offer additional sources of advice and guidance to our students from experts in the career sector they are interested in.
Miss East
Sixth Form Assistant
Miss East is involved in supporting students with their futures, not just in terms of their destinations but in ensuring they are focused and studying hard to become independent learners. Miss East has a close link with the Private Study area and provides support where needed. She is developing the look of the 6th form through the displays presented to make sure that all students have the necessary information they require. Alongside this, Miss East supports students in a pastoral capacity and works with them to resolve any issues or concerns that they may have.