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My Career, Aspiration and Employment

At The Abbey School students follow a careers curriculum that is broad, inclusive and tailored to the needs of every student. Its aim is to inspire and enable all students to make informed decisions about their future.

Careers is delivered through a range of form time activities, assemblies, workshops and external visits. Subject-specific careers information and activities will be delivered through the appropriate curriculum areas throughout the year and in our “Careers Week”. Students also experience support from one of our ‘business mentors’ and receive an interview with a CXK advisor. Opportunities for students to participate in activities by external providers have been built into the careers programme. This will ensure that opportunities available for students suit their personal and academic needs.

At The Abbey School, our Careers Leader works with a team of dedicated professions within the school, the community and an Enterprise Network advisor to provide students with the information, advice and guidance that is key to them making informed choices about their future. This journey begins in Year 7 and is an integral part of their learning throughout their time at the Abbey School.

We have great careers resources available to all of our students. These include;

  • A dedicated Careers Hub, displaying information on careers and college/university prospectuses.
  • Upper school students all receive an interview with our CXK Adviser who provides impartial advice to our students.
  • The ‘Business Mentors’ (parents and local employers) provide bespoke opportunities and advice to our Year 9 –Year 13 students.
  • Our dedicated Business and Work Experience Co-ordinator supports and organises bespoke opportunities for our students.
  • The universities of Kent and Christ Church support careers curriculum delivery through a published programme of Aim Higher activities

Careers Roadmap

Students start their careers journey in Year 7 and will experience a rich and varied programme that involves encounters with employers, higher education and apprenticeship providers. They will also have a meeting with a qualified independent careers advisor in Years 10 and 12 and complete work experience in Years 10 and 11. There are two industry-specific career events each year that give students the opportunity to find out more about the type of employment that they are interested in. In addition to this, within the curriculum students experience employers giving subject-specific talks in the classroom and go on subject-specific visits to workplaces.

Forrest Road Map Van Verison

My Post 14 Choices

During Year 8 students make their option choices for GCSE and BTEC courses.

Mrs Lucas oversees the Options process for all students in the year to ensure students choose and follow the most appropriate courses. During our Options Evening, students have the opportunity to ask questions to subject specialist staff about the qualification and potential career routes. This is a lengthy operation and it is helpful if parents discuss their child’s options prior to choices being made (including a range of skills and interests that perhaps link to future employment or study) so that every student’s choice along their career path are as broad as possible.

My Post 16 Choices

During Year 11 students are supported in making their choices for future study. 

With the change in law and the raising of the Participation Age to 18, all students must remain in some form of education or training up to the age of 18. As a school we would encourage as many students as possible to remain and study in our Sixth form as well as accessing courses from The Queen Elizabeth Grammar School. This is dependent on the grades they achieve. Moving on to Sixth form or College means you are at the start of Further Education.  

Students will need to consider their post-16 choices very carefully. They need to be aware that the subjects they choose at this time could have an effect on the courses they can choose to study at 18. UCAS (the Universities Clearing and Admissions Service) offers students an advice portal to support them in their post-16 decision-making.

For information on Post-16 courses please refer to the Sixth Form courses page.

My Post 18 Choices

Higher Education (18+) is for students who have an interest in attending University or college to follow an undergraduate degree course or diploma.

Higher Education

The online portal to Higher Education in the UK is UCAS.

Students can search the range of courses delivered at University easily through their search tool. Students can look for a subject they want to study at Degree level or by location (the University they want to attend).

Not Going To Uni

A number of our students may choose not to attend University but to follow other routes in their career. The KS5 Student Support Manager organises a range of local apprenticeship events that students can access during their time in the Sixth Form.

Not Going To Uni is a website offering information on apprenticeships and other forms of education (alongside other opportunities) available to those students who choose not to move onto Higher Education). The website allows students to search for apprenticeships at Intermediate, Higher and Advanced levels within all employment sectors. Students can also search freely within the website or look into the Advice Centre / Be Inspired tabs to find a variety of activities they might not have previously considered.

Websites for Further Careers Information

Careers Box
Careers Films on the Web

Start is a free and comprehensive digital platform, offering schools and colleges a single starting point to help simplify and improve careers guidance in schools

Where the Work Is
This interactive tool enables users to explore demand for particular occupations and the potential salary benefits and likely levels of competition for these positions. 

Careerometer 2 Widget

icould is an online charity providing career ideas and information for young people.

Entitlement Statement

As a school, we have a statutory duty to provide students in Years 8 to 13 with careers education, information, advice and guidance. This is extended in the Abbey School to include Year 7.

Guidance takes place through a multitude of opportunities including (but not exhaustive) during tutor led PSHE, through small group talks, careers fairs, employer visits and with one to one interviews.

You are entitled to:

  • clear advice and information about ALL the options available, so that you understand what they involve
  • support and guidance to help you make choices and complete a career plan for the future
  • regular personal support on information on how well you are doing
  • help to decide what to do when you leave, including further learning, training and employment
  • a programme of careers education helping you develop skills and knowledge to make choices and to be successful in the transition to work and learning
  • an opportunity to set out an individual learning plan, and
  • an opportunity to learn about the world of work
Term 1
Year 7 Introduction to Careers RF and SP
Year 8 Unifrog Workshops 
Year 10 Careers Surveys 
Years 10 & 11 Apprenticeship assemblies CXK 
Years 11 & 12 CXK Careers Interviews
Years 12 & 13 CCCU – Personal Statement Workshops
UKC – ‘University Life’ Assembly
Greenwich University – Resilience workshops and online mentoring
Term 2
Year 9 Careers Surveys 
Years 9, 10 & KS5 Industry Specific Careers Event (1) 
Years 10 & 11 Apprenticeship Workshop for students and Parents - CXK 
Year 11 'Big Interview’ Mock Interviews with employers
Years 11 & 12 CXK Careers Interviews 
Years 12 & 13 CCCU - Student Finance Workshop 
Term 3
Year 9  Digital Footprint Workshops
Year 9  Unifrog Workshops 
Years 11 & 12 CXK Careers Interviews 
Years 12 & 13 Greenwich University  – Online mentoring
Term 4
Year 8 LMI and Choices Assembly - CXK 
Year 8 ‘Choices’ and LMI Workshops - DWP 
Years 9 & 10 Armed Forces Careers Talk 
Years 11 & 12 CXK Careers Interviews 
Years 12 & 13 UKC and NCS – Summer School talks
Term 5
Year 7 Employability Skills Workshops
Years 11 & 12 CXK Careers Interviews
Years 12 & 13 Careers and Apprenticeship Events
Term 6
Year 7 ‘Build a University’ workshop - UKC 
Years 9, 10 & KS5 Industry Specific Careers Event (2) 
Year 10 Navy CHEFS workshop
Year 10 Resilience and Personal Statements Workshops
Years 10 & 12 Work Experience 
Year 12 CXK Careers Interviews