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Open Events for September 2025

We are delighted to invite you to join us for our annual open events for Year 7 September 2025 Admissions!

This is an opportunity to hear from the Principal, take a tour of our incredible facilities, talk to subject specialists and to meet current pupils to ask questions about their experiences at The Abbey School. This year, we are asking prospective parents/students to register their interest in attending in advance of the event. (Please note: Booking is not compulsory, but is highly recommended. You are still welcome to attend our Open Events even if you have not booked.)

Open Evening

Wednesday 9th October | 5:00pm - 7:30pm

Our evening event will be split into two separate bookable sessions. You only need to book one place for your family group.

Talks will be held at:
5:30pm and 6:30pm

Open Mornings

Saturday 12th October | 10:00am – 12:00pm

Our morning event will be split into two separate bookable sessions. You only need to book one place for your family group.

Talks will be held at:
10:00am and 11:00am

Morning Tours

Wednesday 16th October and Wednesday 6th November | 9:15am – 10:15am

Our Wednesday morning tours will follow the same route as our evening and open morning tours, providing the opportunity for participants to view the school under normal operating procedures. Tours will take approximately 45 minutes and begin at 9:15am. You only need to book one place for your family group.

Please note: Booking is not compulsory, but is highly recommended.
You are still welcome to attend our Open Events even if you have not booked.

Please contact the school office for more information. Alternatively, just give us a call and we can arrange a tour for you at a time to suit.

Looking to take a look around our Sixth Form? Our Sixth Form Open Evening will take place on Wednesday 13th November.

Can't Wait?

We have created a virtual tour of our school, should you wish to take a look around right now. Our interactive virtual tour can be found here:

Why Choose The Abbey School?

The Abbey School offers a first class school experience. We have a very traditional, educational ethos focussing on hard work, personal responsibility and high levels of discipline. This is complemented by high levels of care, pastoral support and an excellent educational support team.

Of course, many schools profess to have excellent academic credentials and superb pastoral support. What makes us different is our extreme daily focus on detail and small things around our school to ensure an exceptional learning environment. Some unique aspects include:

  • There is a focus on direct instruction and the class moving forward together as one in so far as is achievable. We aim for our students to support the progress of their peers.
  • Our students have a sit-down lunch in their year groups every day and are encouraged to eat healthy school cuisine.
  • We emphasise the importance of positive, respectful relationships around our school. We aim for our classrooms to be joyous, happy places where everyone is keen to contribute and are equally valued.
  • We check uniform and equipment daily so that we are ready to learn.
  • We insist on exemplary behaviour from our students at all times and have expectations for politeness and respect that surpass many schools.
  • Our teaching in academic subjects is knowledge-rich and students are expected to revise daily to ensure that they are learning at the high level of pace, stretch and challenge that we encourage in our classes.

We do not set out to be similar to other schools or to market our school as being able to offer every imaginable opportunity to everyone. Instead, we set out to offer an authentic and distinctive educational offer that has a life-changing impact on outcomes for our learners. We have unapologetically high standards for our whole school community and aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum that is carefully planned with lots of joy, happiness and challenge beyond the normal timetable.