We hope that this website will provide you with an insight into the high quality education that your child can expect to receive at The Abbey School. I am confident that you will find it informative and enjoyable to explore.
"Be the Best You Can Be"
Our school motto reflects our educational values. It is inclusive of all that belong to our community and, as such, it is our aim that all members of our school show respect for one another.
At the Abbey School, we place emphasis on the importance of every child having a broad and balanced education which includes a range of experiences both inside and outside of the classroom.
With facilities to suit all ages and abilities, our aim is to provide a wide range of sports and activities that make fitness fun! Our sports halls, 3G pitch and the various clubs and classes that are run at the Abbey Sports Centre serve to create a friendly community that benefits Faversham and the surrounding area.
24/08/22 00:00:0022 Aug 2024
The Abbey School proudly announces remarkable achievements in the 2024 GCSE examinations. This year's results reflec...
24/08/15 00:00:0015 Aug 2024
The Abbey School is delighted to announce outstanding achievements by its students in the 2024 examination results. This...
24/03/25 00:00:0025 Mar 2024
On the final week of this term, we like to celebrate and recognise all the amazing progress that has taken place over th...
24/03/25 00:00:0025 Mar 2024
On Monday 25th March, the Year 12 Criminology students went on a trip to visit The Supreme Court and The National Justic...
The Abbey School Open Events 2024! Join us for an opportunity to hear from the Principal, take a tour of our incredible facilities, talk to subject specialists and meet current pupils to ask questions about their experiences at The Abbey School. This year, we are asking prospective parents/students to register their interest in attending in advance of the event. (Please note: Booking is not compulsory, but is highly recommended. You are still welcome to attend our Open Events even if you have not booked.) Further information, and booking links, can be found at: https://www.theabbey-that.org.uk/opendays
School Photographs Reminder! A reminder that school photographs will be taken for Years 7 & 10 on Monday 23rd September. You will be able to purchase your son/daughter'ts photo! #BeTheBestYouCanBe
Sponsored Walk! Year 7 completed their CATs assessments on Friday 13th September, all students did extremely well and completed their assessments excellently under exam conditions. We celebrated by having a whole year group picnic out on the field before starting our annual sponsored walk. All students took part in a short walk around some of the local countryside, to raise money for our school charity this year, The Teenage Cancer Trust. All students finished the walk and were awarded with a well earned ice cream. Please remember any sponsor money collected must be uploaded onto Arbor as we are a cashless school and cannot accept any money from students. This will remain open until Monday 30th September, so there is still time to raise as much money as possible. Big thankyou to Mr Wren for organising this day! #BeTheBestYouCanBe
Latest Newsletter! Please see the attached link to view our first weekly newsletter of the school year! https://indd.adobe.com/view/c4706dfb-3269-402d-a262-e0747f00fae3 #BeTheBestYouCanBe
We are delighted to invite you to join us for our annual open events for Year 7 September 2025 Admissions!
This is an opportunity to hear from the Principal, take a tour of our incredible facilities, talk to subject specialists and to meet current pupils to ask questions about their experiences at The Abbey School.
Open Evening: Wednesday 9th October | 5:00pm - 7:30pm
Open Morning: Saturday 12th October |10:00am – 12:00pm
Morning Tours: Wednesday 16th October and Wednesday 6th November | 9:15am – 10:15am
▼ Scroll down for more information about each event ▼
Open Evening
Wednesday 9th October | 5:00pm - 7:30pm
Talks will be held at: 5:30pm and 6:30pm
Our evening event will be split into two separate sessions. Book your visit using the link below!
(You only need to book one place for your family group)
Open Mornings
Saturday 12th October 2024 | 10:00am – 12:00am
Talks will be held at: 10:00am and 11:00am
Our morning event will be split into two separate sessions. Book your visit using the link below!
(You only need to book one place for your family group)
Morning Tours
Wednesday 16th October and Wednesday 6th November | 9:15am – 10:15am
Our Wednesday morning tours will follow the same route as our evening and open morning tours, providing the opportunity for participants to view the school under normal operating procedures. Tours will take approximately 45 minutes and begin at 9:15am. Only one booking form needs to be completed per family.
Please note: Booking is not compulsory, but is highly recommended.
You are still welcome to attend our Open Events even if you have not booked.